How to Start a Blog and Make Money: 100 Steps for Guaranteed Success

how to start a blog and make money with a 100 step checklist for guaranteed success
Start a Successful Blog in 100 Easy Steps.

The only FREE ‘How to Start a Blog and Make Money’ step-by-step guides you’ll ever need. Easily find answers and suggestions to all your blogging questions in an easy to follow checklist.

So, you want to start a blog. Good for you! And we mean that in the most encouraging way.

You see, not so long ago we were in the same shoes you find yourself in today. And looking back on our own blogging journey, which has been far from smooth sailing, there are things we know now that we wish we knew back then when we first asked Google that infamous question: 'How to start a blog and make money?'

And that’s why we’ve sought out to write the most comprehensive and FREE 'How to Start a Blog and Make Money' guides you’ll find on the internet. Not only will we show you how to start a blog, but we'll also show you how to take your blog to the next level and ultimately help you make money doing what you love.

Why this Checklist is for You?

Many people (including us when we started) think that bloggers spend 80% of their time writing and 20% doing everything else. But that's not the correct formula to follow if you want to monetize your blog.

what people think bloggers do most of the time represented by a gif of a dog typing furiously on a laptop

Writing is a part of it, but like any good recipe, it's only one of the steps required to build a successful blog that is able to reach thousands (if not millions) of readers AND make you money.

So if you’re nodding 'yes' to any of these statements below, these guides are for you:

  • I'm an absolute beginner at blogging and don't know where to start.
  • I've been blogging for some time but can't seem to grow my traffic.
  • I have an existing blog and an established audience, but I don't know how to monetize my blog.
  • I love writing, but I need help with the technical side of blogging such as page speed and SEO optimization so that I can rank on Google.

Start a Blog with our Free Complete Checklist

Everything we’ve learnt along the way may have involved a lot of blood, sweat and tears; but it’s been absolutely free. And since information on the internet is free (well, most of the time if you look hard enough), you shouldn’t have to pay for these guides or any other guide ever again.

The cool part is that you can find everything you’ll need to know about how to start a blog and make money in one place. So go ahead and bookmark this page so you can easily refer back to it later.

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learn how to start a blog and make money online using an easy to follow checklist
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But you may be wondering why you should follow this checklist out of the infinite number of checklists and guides available online. We'll gladly tell you, and the answer is really simple.

We’ve read hundreds of how to start a blog checklists. And we found that they are often so vague that they leave you with more questions than answers. Sometimes even conflicting answers which can be very frustrating and time consuming to figure out.

This free checklist goes beyond any other guide you’ll find online. Our mission to build the perfect blog and make money blogging (yes, it’s possible and we’ll show you how) has inspired us to create step-by-step guides that are easy to read, get to the point and provide definite answers and practical suggestions.

But don’t just take our word for it! We’ll back it up with free online tools that show you real results and we'll reveal how you can also use these tools to track your own progress while perfecting your blog.

What's Covered in the 100 Step Checklist

  • How to Create a Blog (Step 1 to 20)
  • Website Optimization: How to Speed Up Your Website (Step 21 to 40)
  • How to Rank Higher on Google (Step 41 to 60)
  • How to Monetize a Blog (Step 61 to 80)
  • Add the Finishing Touches to Create the Perfect Blog (Step 81 to 100)

We'll publish each part of the How to Start a Blog and Make Money 100 Step Checklist over the next several weeks. Subscribe to be the first to know or keep an eye on this page for further updates.

Check out the bloggers and content creators resource page for all our offers, discount codes and everything you need to get started with your own website.

If you have a question or need advice? Check out our Blogger Community on Facebook or contact us via Email, Messenger or WhatsApp. And if you’d like to leave a comment, tweet us.

So without further ado, here's our how to start a blog and make money guides:

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